First Multivendor Magnet Power Supply


Hundreds of Successful Ramp Operations so far and increasing everyday.

Very first, true multivendor Magnet Power Supply changed the way of doing ramp operations. Multivendor compatibility, robust design, easy user interface and unique capabilities made it the first choice for service companies & field service engineers as well.

Voyager is based on 1000A power supply designed to ramp MRI Magnets. Unique industrial touch screen user interface allows user to select magnet type, expert or automated mode and operations (Ramp to Field, Ramp to Zero, Field Adjustment). Integrated accelerator module reduces the ramp down time and avoid extra helium loss. Thanks to VNC connection to make possible remote connection for diagnostic, training and also for ramp operations.

  • Multivendor
  • Accelerator
  • Programmable
  • User Interface
  • Remote Connection

Multivendor design allows user to perform ramp operations on GE, SIEMENS, PHILIPS and CANON magnets.


Built in accelerator minimizes the ramp down time both on 1.5T and 3T magnets.


Programmable architecture lets us upgrade the unit for the new magnets with no hardware modification.

User Interface

Easy to use 10” touch screen and graphical user interface makes the difference. It is as easy as clicking buttons.

Remote Connection

Remote Connection allows remote ramp operations, diagnostics and online trainings.

μP controlled programmable power supply designed to ramp different magnet types according to OEM specifications. With unique automated mode feature, Voyager can follow pre-loaded ramp profiles. This option is preventing user mistakes during Ramp Up and Ramp Down.

Voyager doesn’t communicate to MRI system electronics. Instead, it controls and commands all magnet parameters through magnet turret connectors. Heater currents, FCL temperatures, magnet pressure and similar interlock parameters are all controlled by the software. This unique property allows to test and ramp the magnets stand alone.

PDF DocumentUser Manual

Compatibility List
